Kata orang tua...
"Kamu orang muda, tak pandai bersyukur.
Kamu lahir dalam kesenangan.
Nikmat dari titik peluh kami dahulu.
Kami melawan penjajah untuk merdeka.
Berperang dengan Jepun untuk pertahan tanah air.
Berperang dengan Cina pada 13 Mei untuk pertahankan Raja Melayu.
Pertahankan hak bumiputera.
Sanggupkah kamu serahkan negara ini kepada pendatang Cina?"
Anak muda jawap...
Kalian orang tua sudah selesa. Kalian sudah ada sebidang tanah. Kalian sudah ada sebuah rumah. Kalian sudah ada kerja, gaji dan pencen. Dahulu, kalian mengaji percuma. Kami, belum habis mengaji sudah berhutang. Habis belajar, belum tentu ada kerja. Kalau bekerja, belum tentu boleh miliki kereta, rumah, dan tanah. Mahu makan sekali sehari pun susah.
Ya, benar. Jepun sudah pulang. Inggeris sudah berundur. Namun kami dijajah oleh bangsa sendiri. Melayu korup dan khianat. Membiar bangsa sendiri hidup melarat. Dahulu, meski dijajah, kamu masih boleh memiliki rumah sendiri. Kini, meski merdeka, kami hanya mampu menyewa.
Dahulu, demi mempertahankan tanah air, kita menghalau Joseph, Donald, Mizuno, Kozumi. Kini kita hanya berdiam diri ketika tanah kita dirampas oleh Mahmud, Muhammad dan Abdullah.
Kamu pinta kami berwaspada dengan Cina dan India? Tapi kamu import Indon, Myanmar dan Bangla? Kamu minta kami waspada dengan Cina, tapi mereka lebih prihatin tentang nasib kami berbanding Melayu, bangsa sendiri. Kamu minta kami berwaspada dengan Cina, tapi Melayu itu yang merompak tanah kita. Kamu pinta kami waspada dengan Cina, tapi Melayu itu yang berdusta.
Saya masih ingat. Ketika anak Melayu bawah umur dirogol oleh pembesar Melayu, Cina yang dikutuk hari ini bangkit membela. Beliau (LGE) akhirnya dihukum penjara.
Kamu kata, Cina mahu hancurkan kita. Tapi yang dibina Melayu, roboh dan runtuh belaka. Kamu kata, Cina mahu kita binasa, tapi Melayulah yang merompak harta negara, merampas Royalti dari negeri yang mempunyai penduduk Melayu paling ramai.
Kamu kata, DAP benci Islam, tapi peruntukkan Islam dilipatganda berjuta-juta. Kamu dakwa UMNO bela Islam, tapi roboh masjid, tutup sekolah agama, sekat dakwah, batal biasiswa agama.
Kamu kata DAP rasis, ultra cina dan benci Islam, tapi Zairil Khir itu Melayu, Islam dan anak pemimpin UMNO. Lalu kami tanya, mana calon Cina dari UMNO? Mana calon Melayu dari MCA?
Kamu kata, Cina itu musuh kita. Saya tanya, jiran rumah kita siapa? Bermusuh dengan jiran bukan ajaran agama.
Kamu kata, mesti bantu Melayu kerana Cina semuanya kaya. Kami tanya, Ah Chong, penjaja sayur yang mengayuh basikal itu berbangsa apa?
Kamu kata, berpakat dengan Cina DAP haram. Kami tanya, MCA dan Chua Soi Lek itu Melayu?
Bila kami hormati Cina, kamu kata kami lupa asal usul. Yang kami ingat, kami berasal dari negara Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa, Cina, India Kadazan, Murut dan sebagainya.
Kamu kata, hanya BN yang boleh memerintah. Kami kata, Penang lebih cemerlang di bawah DAP, Selangor lebih maju di bawah PKR.
Malaysia apa yang kamu gambarkan kepada kami?
Kami inginkan Malaysia yang lebih damai. Warganya aman tanpa mengira bangsa dan keturunan. Kami tidak perlu memaki dan mengutuk Cina untuk membela Melayu. Kami anak Malaysia!
Semoga rakan-rakan Cina dan India saya tabah dalam menghadapi segelintir ultra Melayu yang nakal.
Meitantei Kimimaro
Life may not be easy, but it is always worth living
Tips Mudah Tuntutan Pelepasan Cukai
30 April adalah merupakan tarikh akhir untuk memfailkan cukai tahunan anda. Anda boleh memilih sama ada memfailkan cukai di pejabat Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) atau memilih menggunakan kemudahan e-filing. Sebagai pembayar cukai, anda biasanya mempunyai beberapa soalan di minda: "Apakah cara yang paling mudah untuk menuntut pelepasan cukai"? . Berikut adalah 8 langkah mudah untuk menuntut pelepasan cukai apabila memfailkan cukai pendapatan anda.
1. Memaksimumkan potongan untuk buku, insurans dan komputer
Dalam usaha menggalakkan tabiat membaca dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia, Kerajaan membenarkan anda menuntut pelepasan cukai sehingga RM 1,000 ke atas pembelian buku dan majalah. Ini termasuk buku-buku elektronik yang dibeli dari Amazon.com atau Applestore Apple Inc 's. Ingat! simpan resit pembelian buku anda.
Jika potongan Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) tahunan anda tidak mencapai RM 6,000, anda boleh menambah jumlah KWSP dengan jumlah bayaran insurans anda. Potongan KWSP tahunan anda (ditambah dengan bayaran insurans) adalah dikecualikan cukai sehingga RM 6,000.
Anda juga boleh menuntut pelepasan cukai sehingga RM3,000 ke atas pembelian komputer, tablet atau iPad baru. Ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa iPad atau tablet dianggap komputer peribadi dan layak mendapat pelepasan cukai selagi ciri-cirinya tidak membuat panggilan telefon atau menggunakan khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS). Walau bagaimanapun, anda hanya dibenarkan untuk menuntut pengecualian ini setiap tiga tahun sekali.
2. Anak melayakkan anda mendapat pelepasan RM 1,000.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai anak, anda berhak mendapat pelepasan sebanyak RM 1,000 bagi setiap orang anak. Anak yang diberikan pengecualian cukai adalah untuk anak-anak yang berusia 18 tahun ke bawah, anak-anak berusia 18 tahun ke atas yang masih belajar dan juga anak-anak yang kurang upaya.
p/s - lagi ramai bilangan anak, lagi besar pelepasan cukai...
3. Pembelian peralatan sukan
Anda dibenarkan untuk menfailkan pelepasan cukai bagi pembelian peralatan sukan maksimum sebanyak RM300 seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah Akta Pembangunan Sukan 1997. Pastikan anda menyimpan resit sebagai dokumen sokongan.
Walau bagaimanapun, sila ambil perhatian bahawa keahlian pusat kecergasan dan caj sesi latihan peribadi tidak layak mendapat pelepasan cukai kerana ia tidak dikategorikan sebagai peralatan sukan.
4. Memfailkan cukai secara berasingan sekiranya anda berkahwin.
Jika anda dan pasangan mempunyai pendapatan masing-masing, pertimbangkan untuk memfailkan cukai anda secara berasingan. Langkah ini dapat mengurangkan kesan terhadap kadar cukai.
5. Pembantu Rumah bagi penjagaan khas terhadap ibu bapa anda.
Pembayar cukai juga boleh menuntut potongan cukai sehingga RM5,000 (di bawah perbelanjaan perubatan) bagi pengambilan pembantu rumah untuk ibu bapa anda yang memerlukan penjagaan khas. Walau bagaimanapun, anda perlu mendapatkan pengesahan daripada doktor bahawa ibu bapa anda memerlukan penjagaan khas.
6. Jimat elaun petrol anda bagi perjalanan ke atas tugas rasmi.
Bagi pekerja yang diberi elaun petrol untuk perjalanan yang dibuat ke atas tugas rasmi, anda boleh menuntut pengecualian cukai sehingga RM 6,000 setahun. Amalkan perancangan lebih awal dengan merekodkan perjalanan anda setiap hari dan tujuan perjalanan. Selagi perjalanan anda adalah berkaitan urusan rasmi, anda boleh membuat tuntutan dengan syarat ia tertakluk kepada elaun petrol had tahunan anda.
7. Zakat.
Sebarang potongan atau pembayaran zakat kepada Pusat Pungutan Zakat (PPZ) melayakkan anda untuk pelepasan cukai.
Nota: Buat semua umat Islam, adalah lebih baik kita mengeluarkan zakat atas segala pendapatan dan simpanan kita. Mudah-mudahan rezeki kita sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT.
8. Isytiharkan pendapatan sewa anda dan sentiasa menyimpan rekod dengan betul.
Jika anda memiliki harta yang disewakan, anda perlu mengisytiharkan pendapatan sewa tersebut. Anda akan menghadapi risiko besar jika tidak mengisytiharkan pendapatan. Contoh, sekiranya rumah anda disewakan kepada ekspatriat. Ekspatriat biasanya akan membuat tuntutan terhadap syarikat mereka dan syarikat adalah tertakluk kepada pengaudit cukai.
Akhir sekali, anda perlu jujur dan menghormati undang-undang semasa memfailkan cukai tahunan anda. Sentiasa tingkatkan pengetahuan anda terhadap maklumat pengecualian cukai seperti syarat dan kelayakan pengecualian cukai. Ingat! Simpan dan dokumenkan segala perbelanjaan anda secara terancang. Ia akan memudahkan anda untuk memfailkan cukai anda pada masa akan datang.
Maklumat diperolehi daripada: Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia
1. Memaksimumkan potongan untuk buku, insurans dan komputer
Dalam usaha menggalakkan tabiat membaca dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia, Kerajaan membenarkan anda menuntut pelepasan cukai sehingga RM 1,000 ke atas pembelian buku dan majalah. Ini termasuk buku-buku elektronik yang dibeli dari Amazon.com atau Applestore Apple Inc 's. Ingat! simpan resit pembelian buku anda.
Jika potongan Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) tahunan anda tidak mencapai RM 6,000, anda boleh menambah jumlah KWSP dengan jumlah bayaran insurans anda. Potongan KWSP tahunan anda (ditambah dengan bayaran insurans) adalah dikecualikan cukai sehingga RM 6,000.
Anda juga boleh menuntut pelepasan cukai sehingga RM3,000 ke atas pembelian komputer, tablet atau iPad baru. Ramai yang tidak tahu bahawa iPad atau tablet dianggap komputer peribadi dan layak mendapat pelepasan cukai selagi ciri-cirinya tidak membuat panggilan telefon atau menggunakan khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS). Walau bagaimanapun, anda hanya dibenarkan untuk menuntut pengecualian ini setiap tiga tahun sekali.
2. Anak melayakkan anda mendapat pelepasan RM 1,000.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai anak, anda berhak mendapat pelepasan sebanyak RM 1,000 bagi setiap orang anak. Anak yang diberikan pengecualian cukai adalah untuk anak-anak yang berusia 18 tahun ke bawah, anak-anak berusia 18 tahun ke atas yang masih belajar dan juga anak-anak yang kurang upaya.
p/s - lagi ramai bilangan anak, lagi besar pelepasan cukai...
3. Pembelian peralatan sukan
Anda dibenarkan untuk menfailkan pelepasan cukai bagi pembelian peralatan sukan maksimum sebanyak RM300 seperti yang ditakrifkan di bawah Akta Pembangunan Sukan 1997. Pastikan anda menyimpan resit sebagai dokumen sokongan.
Walau bagaimanapun, sila ambil perhatian bahawa keahlian pusat kecergasan dan caj sesi latihan peribadi tidak layak mendapat pelepasan cukai kerana ia tidak dikategorikan sebagai peralatan sukan.
4. Memfailkan cukai secara berasingan sekiranya anda berkahwin.
Jika anda dan pasangan mempunyai pendapatan masing-masing, pertimbangkan untuk memfailkan cukai anda secara berasingan. Langkah ini dapat mengurangkan kesan terhadap kadar cukai.
5. Pembantu Rumah bagi penjagaan khas terhadap ibu bapa anda.
Pembayar cukai juga boleh menuntut potongan cukai sehingga RM5,000 (di bawah perbelanjaan perubatan) bagi pengambilan pembantu rumah untuk ibu bapa anda yang memerlukan penjagaan khas. Walau bagaimanapun, anda perlu mendapatkan pengesahan daripada doktor bahawa ibu bapa anda memerlukan penjagaan khas.
6. Jimat elaun petrol anda bagi perjalanan ke atas tugas rasmi.
Bagi pekerja yang diberi elaun petrol untuk perjalanan yang dibuat ke atas tugas rasmi, anda boleh menuntut pengecualian cukai sehingga RM 6,000 setahun. Amalkan perancangan lebih awal dengan merekodkan perjalanan anda setiap hari dan tujuan perjalanan. Selagi perjalanan anda adalah berkaitan urusan rasmi, anda boleh membuat tuntutan dengan syarat ia tertakluk kepada elaun petrol had tahunan anda.
7. Zakat.
Sebarang potongan atau pembayaran zakat kepada Pusat Pungutan Zakat (PPZ) melayakkan anda untuk pelepasan cukai.
Nota: Buat semua umat Islam, adalah lebih baik kita mengeluarkan zakat atas segala pendapatan dan simpanan kita. Mudah-mudahan rezeki kita sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT.
8. Isytiharkan pendapatan sewa anda dan sentiasa menyimpan rekod dengan betul.
Jika anda memiliki harta yang disewakan, anda perlu mengisytiharkan pendapatan sewa tersebut. Anda akan menghadapi risiko besar jika tidak mengisytiharkan pendapatan. Contoh, sekiranya rumah anda disewakan kepada ekspatriat. Ekspatriat biasanya akan membuat tuntutan terhadap syarikat mereka dan syarikat adalah tertakluk kepada pengaudit cukai.
Akhir sekali, anda perlu jujur dan menghormati undang-undang semasa memfailkan cukai tahunan anda. Sentiasa tingkatkan pengetahuan anda terhadap maklumat pengecualian cukai seperti syarat dan kelayakan pengecualian cukai. Ingat! Simpan dan dokumenkan segala perbelanjaan anda secara terancang. Ia akan memudahkan anda untuk memfailkan cukai anda pada masa akan datang.
Maklumat diperolehi daripada: Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia
happy teacher's day
Hari Guru,
Adakah 1 sambutan?
Atau sekadar,
1 beban tambahan?
Guru disambut
Guru menyambut
Guru menganjur
Guru mengatur
Guru mengurus
Guru akhirnya letih bak mampus
Bukan tidak bersyukur
Tapi andai ini caranya
Tiada apa maknanya
Lebih baik kita di kelas
Meraikan dengan ikhlas
Lebih baik mengajar
Daripada lelah iktiraf dikejar.
-Faisal Abdullah-
this is a post that i copied from a friend of mine who is currently teaching in the middle of the jungle of Sabah...it's a sum up to what Teacher's Day means to me as part of being a teacher in Malaysia...hence the use of small letters for the title of this post -.-
anyway, Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers wherever you are...
Hari Guru,
Adakah 1 sambutan?
Atau sekadar,
1 beban tambahan?
Guru disambut
Guru menyambut
Guru menganjur
Guru mengatur
Guru mengurus
Guru akhirnya letih bak mampus
Bukan tidak bersyukur
Tapi andai ini caranya
Tiada apa maknanya
Lebih baik kita di kelas
Meraikan dengan ikhlas
Lebih baik mengajar
Daripada lelah iktiraf dikejar.
-Faisal Abdullah-
this is a post that i copied from a friend of mine who is currently teaching in the middle of the jungle of Sabah...it's a sum up to what Teacher's Day means to me as part of being a teacher in Malaysia...hence the use of small letters for the title of this post -.-
anyway, Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers wherever you are...
Solat di awal waktu
Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam.
Rasanya fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak?
Sebagai contoh, pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh.
Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.
Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki.
Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur.
Di sini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat di awal waktu.
Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum.
Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud.
Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.
Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (Isyraq & Dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor.
Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman.
Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan.
Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya.
Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak?
Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif.
Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti.
Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ini jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu).
Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita.
Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah.
Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam.
Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita.
Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.
Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan.
Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak.
Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan.
Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam.
Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta di mana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan.
Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus.
Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.
Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam.
Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya.
Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh.
Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di’kurniakan’ syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini.
Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hamba-Nya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukan-Nya.
Rasanya fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak?
Sebagai contoh, pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh.
Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.
Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki.
Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur.
Di sini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat di awal waktu.
Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum.
Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud.
Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.
Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (Isyraq & Dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor.
Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman.
Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan.
Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya.
Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak?
Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif.
Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti.
Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ini jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu).
Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita.
Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah.
Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam.
Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita.
Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.
Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan.
Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak.
Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan.
Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam.
Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta di mana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan.
Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus.
Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.
Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam.
Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya.
Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh.
Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di’kurniakan’ syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini.
Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hamba-Nya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukan-Nya.

horsepower? top speed? acceleration 0-100km/h? CO2 emisson?
I am a huge fan of Top Gear. I reckon TG have influenced me a lot on my views of cars. If you watch a lot of car shows, I guess you would agree with me that TG is not in any way similar to those shows. I recently found an article (or rather a blog) written by Jeremy Clarkson which is really interesting about cars these days. I hope you can spend some time to read it and please comment on what you think of it.
Clarkson rails against the horsepower race
As we know, the Ferrari 250 GTO is widely regarded to be the best, most important Ferrari ever. Unfortunately, I cannot verify this, because the BBC is not rich enough to pay the insurance premium should I ever get behind the wheel. But I do know one thing. It produces just 295bhp.
So, let's just get this straight. The best car ever made in the whole of the history of the world produces fewer horsepower - a lot fewer - than a hot Ford Focus.
In the desert playground of Qatar, this, of course, is a ridiculous notion. The best car, there, is the car with the most horsepower. Horsepower is everything. Horsepower is the mechanical embodiment of your scrotum. He who has the most is the best and the strongest and the most handsome.
In the old days, it was top speed that counted - specifically, how high the numbers went on your car's speedometer. My Dad's Ford read to 120mph, so he had a bigger penis than John Forrester's dad, whose Sunbeam speedo only read to 90. In my 11-year-old head, this was a fact.
But it costs carmakers a lot of money to buy components that can handle truly high speeds, so most these days are limited to 155mph. This means everyone's genitals are the same. And it's the same story with acceleration. I remember genuinely believing that I was better than my mate because my Scirocco did 0-60 in 7.9 seconds and his Chevette HS took 8.3. Now, though, cars get to 60mph in the time nature's little foibles will let them. Nought-to-60 is no longer even remotely relevant in the schoolyard. Or the pub. Or even in Qatar. Nope. It's horsepower.
The car companies know this, which is why there's an inexorable quest to find more. The EU may be jumping up and down and pointing at polar bears and holes in the ozone layer, but while engineers know their next engine must produce nothing but daffodils, they also know that if it doesn't produce more power than the last one - which belched out a cocktail of coal and acid - they will be finished.
What's more, it must produce more than the equivalent Audi, which must produce more than the equivalent Mercedes which must produce more than the equivalent BMW and so on. However, we are now fast approaching the time when the silliness must stop.
I first noticed the problem when driving a Brabus-tuned Mercedes SL a couple of years ago. It produced 730bhp and nearly a thousand torques. These are the sort of figures that can cause a tent pole in your dish dash. But sadly, they cause even bigger issues on the road. The car was nigh-on undrivable.
Initially, I thought that maybe Brabus had had a bad day, and that it simply wasn't thought out properly, but later I tried the 660bhp AMG-tuned SL Black. And that was just as bad. It was like driving a turbocharged whale.
It rolled about when you asked it to go round a corner, and any attempt to balance the car with some throttle was futile. It was like trying to balance a screaming baby on a baseball bat.
Maybe, I thought, the chassis of the SL is simply not capable of dealing with such big numbers. It was a plausible thought. It's acar for dentists in Houston, and not steely-stomached young racers such as myself.
However, more recently, I tried the Ferrari 599 GTO, which also produces 660bhp, and that didn't work either. And the 599's chassis was most definitely not designed with Texan mouth-men in mind. It was designed, as we know, for the owners of carpet warehouses in the North so that they could pretend they were Michael Schumacher.
Well, I'll tell you what. If it even looks like rain and you pretend to be Michael Schumacher in a 599 GTO, you will end up in a tree.
Big horsepower numbers may sound enticing, but, on the road, you need some rubber in the bushes and some give in the suspension. Plus, you need tyres that won't wear out after 15 miles and steering that doesn't go from lock-to-lock in half-a-turn. And these things just fall to pieces when you introduce them to 660bhp.
Yes, I know the Bugatti Veyron works on the road, and it has a thousand horsepower. But that's why it costs a million quid. And that's how much you have to spend if you want to play high stakes in the numbers game. If you want to spend less than a million on a car, then I reckon the realistic top whack is around 600 horsepower. Plainly McLaren thinks so too, which is why their new car sits just under this magic number. So does the 458. So do all the really great cars.
So now we are in a tricky spot, because BMW and Audi and Mercedes are all selling cars that develop 500bhp. And if they continue to compete, they'll be above the 600 mark soon. And then what? Every estate agent and banker in the land will be smeared up a lamp-post.
The Germans are obviously aware of this, which is why I see they are now competing to see who can fit the most powerful stereo. Though last time I looked, it was Jag in the lead with 1,200 watts. That's enough to take your whole head off.
But we're not really interested in how loudly we can play Jeremy Vine while driving to a lunch appointment. They may as well compete by saying: "We have more gears than they do." Oh, I forgot. Lexus is already doing that.
However, we do need something to replace horsepower in our imagination, because cars with more than 600 horsepower are dangerous. And, if they're limited to 155mph anyway, completely pointless.
Decibels? I think not. We'll leave that to the homotorcyclists. Lightness? Boring. And anyway, you eventually end up back in a Citroen AX. Emissions? Oh, give me a break. You really think normal people are going to run about saying: "My dad's car produces less carbon dioxide than your dad's car".
No. I think I have it though. Price. Yes. Let's stop telling the carmakers we want more power. We have enough already. Instead, let's tell them we want to pay less money. Because, let's not forget, when it was new, the 250 GTO cost £6,000.
Clarkson rails against the horsepower race
As we know, the Ferrari 250 GTO is widely regarded to be the best, most important Ferrari ever. Unfortunately, I cannot verify this, because the BBC is not rich enough to pay the insurance premium should I ever get behind the wheel. But I do know one thing. It produces just 295bhp.
So, let's just get this straight. The best car ever made in the whole of the history of the world produces fewer horsepower - a lot fewer - than a hot Ford Focus.
In the desert playground of Qatar, this, of course, is a ridiculous notion. The best car, there, is the car with the most horsepower. Horsepower is everything. Horsepower is the mechanical embodiment of your scrotum. He who has the most is the best and the strongest and the most handsome.
In the old days, it was top speed that counted - specifically, how high the numbers went on your car's speedometer. My Dad's Ford read to 120mph, so he had a bigger penis than John Forrester's dad, whose Sunbeam speedo only read to 90. In my 11-year-old head, this was a fact.
But it costs carmakers a lot of money to buy components that can handle truly high speeds, so most these days are limited to 155mph. This means everyone's genitals are the same. And it's the same story with acceleration. I remember genuinely believing that I was better than my mate because my Scirocco did 0-60 in 7.9 seconds and his Chevette HS took 8.3. Now, though, cars get to 60mph in the time nature's little foibles will let them. Nought-to-60 is no longer even remotely relevant in the schoolyard. Or the pub. Or even in Qatar. Nope. It's horsepower.
The car companies know this, which is why there's an inexorable quest to find more. The EU may be jumping up and down and pointing at polar bears and holes in the ozone layer, but while engineers know their next engine must produce nothing but daffodils, they also know that if it doesn't produce more power than the last one - which belched out a cocktail of coal and acid - they will be finished.
What's more, it must produce more than the equivalent Audi, which must produce more than the equivalent Mercedes which must produce more than the equivalent BMW and so on. However, we are now fast approaching the time when the silliness must stop.
I first noticed the problem when driving a Brabus-tuned Mercedes SL a couple of years ago. It produced 730bhp and nearly a thousand torques. These are the sort of figures that can cause a tent pole in your dish dash. But sadly, they cause even bigger issues on the road. The car was nigh-on undrivable.
Initially, I thought that maybe Brabus had had a bad day, and that it simply wasn't thought out properly, but later I tried the 660bhp AMG-tuned SL Black. And that was just as bad. It was like driving a turbocharged whale.
It rolled about when you asked it to go round a corner, and any attempt to balance the car with some throttle was futile. It was like trying to balance a screaming baby on a baseball bat.
Maybe, I thought, the chassis of the SL is simply not capable of dealing with such big numbers. It was a plausible thought. It's acar for dentists in Houston, and not steely-stomached young racers such as myself.
However, more recently, I tried the Ferrari 599 GTO, which also produces 660bhp, and that didn't work either. And the 599's chassis was most definitely not designed with Texan mouth-men in mind. It was designed, as we know, for the owners of carpet warehouses in the North so that they could pretend they were Michael Schumacher.
Well, I'll tell you what. If it even looks like rain and you pretend to be Michael Schumacher in a 599 GTO, you will end up in a tree.
Big horsepower numbers may sound enticing, but, on the road, you need some rubber in the bushes and some give in the suspension. Plus, you need tyres that won't wear out after 15 miles and steering that doesn't go from lock-to-lock in half-a-turn. And these things just fall to pieces when you introduce them to 660bhp.
Yes, I know the Bugatti Veyron works on the road, and it has a thousand horsepower. But that's why it costs a million quid. And that's how much you have to spend if you want to play high stakes in the numbers game. If you want to spend less than a million on a car, then I reckon the realistic top whack is around 600 horsepower. Plainly McLaren thinks so too, which is why their new car sits just under this magic number. So does the 458. So do all the really great cars.
So now we are in a tricky spot, because BMW and Audi and Mercedes are all selling cars that develop 500bhp. And if they continue to compete, they'll be above the 600 mark soon. And then what? Every estate agent and banker in the land will be smeared up a lamp-post.
The Germans are obviously aware of this, which is why I see they are now competing to see who can fit the most powerful stereo. Though last time I looked, it was Jag in the lead with 1,200 watts. That's enough to take your whole head off.
But we're not really interested in how loudly we can play Jeremy Vine while driving to a lunch appointment. They may as well compete by saying: "We have more gears than they do." Oh, I forgot. Lexus is already doing that.
However, we do need something to replace horsepower in our imagination, because cars with more than 600 horsepower are dangerous. And, if they're limited to 155mph anyway, completely pointless.
Decibels? I think not. We'll leave that to the homotorcyclists. Lightness? Boring. And anyway, you eventually end up back in a Citroen AX. Emissions? Oh, give me a break. You really think normal people are going to run about saying: "My dad's car produces less carbon dioxide than your dad's car".
No. I think I have it though. Price. Yes. Let's stop telling the carmakers we want more power. We have enough already. Instead, let's tell them we want to pay less money. Because, let's not forget, when it was new, the 250 GTO cost £6,000.

toyota, honda and ferrari
You might still remember about the global major news in which a few millions Toyota vehicles were recalled. It started off last year in November 2009 when the world's largest automobile maker by sales and production recalled some of its products after reports that several vehicles experienced unintended acceleration. By this time around, the number of vehicles recalled had might passed 9 millions worldwide.
At the same time, Honda, the second leading company in Japan after Toyota has also experiencing the same thing. More than half a million Honda vehicles in US were recalled because of ignition problems and airbags inflators which may expand with too much pressure.
This has given the two leading Japanese manufacturers a bad name. Consumers started to make reports, some even protest for their safety and there were others who had been victims in a number of accidents were filing for lawsuits. Sales has been declining. People also started making fun of it such as the Letterman's parody of Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda.
You might think since it was Japanese automobile, then the quality must be at the minimum level compared to European's or American's or even the top names like Lamborghini, Ferrari, Buggati. Well, think again.
You see, recently Ferrari has just launched its new addition the 458 Italia. And boy oh boy, to me it was the prettiest and the most futuristic Ferrari ever to go on sale.

This particular Ferrari is a replacement for the old F430 and it costs around £170,000 in UK, or $230,675 in the States. If any of us interested in getting one of this, you could buy one from Naza Italia in KL for RM2,000,000 ;p

Many car magazines commented it to be among one of the best and most technical super car Ferrari has produced to date. And now, this model is also known to be one of the largest super car recall ever.
Since its launch earlier this year, there are now 1,248 of 458 Italia on the road worldwide. Suddenly, 5 of them has been catching fire across the globe. Incidents have also been reported in California, Paris, China and Switzerland.
July 8, Paris - Black 458 catches fire with passerby putting blaze out with extinguisher:

July 14, Switzerland - Red 458's engine catches fire on a mountain pass:

August 18, California - Red 458 catches fire in California:

Ferrari said that and I'm going to quote "a flaw in the wheel arch on the rear of the £170,000 supercar is fitted with a special glue which is prone to melting. The fault brings the lining of the wheel-arch into contact with the hot exhaust pipe causing both the lining and the adhesive to heat up and ignite. As result of the fire the superheated aluminium body will subsequently melt"
In Malaysia, there has not been a sighting of this beautiful car burst into flame in our hot weather...well, not yet. Naza Italia said it had 14 names in its order books for the 570 bhp 4.5-litre V8 Prancing Horse. Therefore, it’s save to assume that they are all safely kept in the cool garages of Datuk and Tan Sri owners. If you know someone who has Ferrari 458 Italia and it has been destroyed as a direct result of the fault, tell them not to worry since Ferrari will take full responsibility and offered a free vehicle as soon as possible at no cost. LOL.
At the same time, Honda, the second leading company in Japan after Toyota has also experiencing the same thing. More than half a million Honda vehicles in US were recalled because of ignition problems and airbags inflators which may expand with too much pressure.
This has given the two leading Japanese manufacturers a bad name. Consumers started to make reports, some even protest for their safety and there were others who had been victims in a number of accidents were filing for lawsuits. Sales has been declining. People also started making fun of it such as the Letterman's parody of Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda.
You might think since it was Japanese automobile, then the quality must be at the minimum level compared to European's or American's or even the top names like Lamborghini, Ferrari, Buggati. Well, think again.
You see, recently Ferrari has just launched its new addition the 458 Italia. And boy oh boy, to me it was the prettiest and the most futuristic Ferrari ever to go on sale.

This particular Ferrari is a replacement for the old F430 and it costs around £170,000 in UK, or $230,675 in the States. If any of us interested in getting one of this, you could buy one from Naza Italia in KL for RM2,000,000 ;p

Many car magazines commented it to be among one of the best and most technical super car Ferrari has produced to date. And now, this model is also known to be one of the largest super car recall ever.
Since its launch earlier this year, there are now 1,248 of 458 Italia on the road worldwide. Suddenly, 5 of them has been catching fire across the globe. Incidents have also been reported in California, Paris, China and Switzerland.
July 8, Paris - Black 458 catches fire with passerby putting blaze out with extinguisher:

July 14, Switzerland - Red 458's engine catches fire on a mountain pass:

August 18, California - Red 458 catches fire in California:

Ferrari said that and I'm going to quote "a flaw in the wheel arch on the rear of the £170,000 supercar is fitted with a special glue which is prone to melting. The fault brings the lining of the wheel-arch into contact with the hot exhaust pipe causing both the lining and the adhesive to heat up and ignite. As result of the fire the superheated aluminium body will subsequently melt"
In Malaysia, there has not been a sighting of this beautiful car burst into flame in our hot weather...well, not yet. Naza Italia said it had 14 names in its order books for the 570 bhp 4.5-litre V8 Prancing Horse. Therefore, it’s save to assume that they are all safely kept in the cool garages of Datuk and Tan Sri owners. If you know someone who has Ferrari 458 Italia and it has been destroyed as a direct result of the fault, tell them not to worry since Ferrari will take full responsibility and offered a free vehicle as soon as possible at no cost. LOL.
wow my last post was on the 1st of March...that was 6 months ago...hurmm...it seems I just could not update my blog on regular basis anymore...not even once a month...maybe I have just been too busy...I know that you might say that you're also busy with tons of workloads...but that's not all...now I have Alyssa...and being a father is really challenging...
if my life were compared to a video game, I would say it's probably like the Demon's Soul on PlayStation 3...no, no Alyssa is not a demon alrite...she is just too cute to be something of that evil...haha...Demon's Soul is particularly noted for its high difficulty level...it's just plain difficult...I used to not like children...then again, I think I have come to a point where being a father is actually a wonderful thing...
now every time I feel so frustrated with my pupils; or I just got into an argument; or something happen to my car; or I could not beat the boss in a video game after trying over and over again; or whenever McLaren got beaten by Ferrari, (and the list goes on), when I get back home and see Alyssa smiling at me...I feel like the world around me appears to be just fine...I don't know how to describe it precisely...somehow her smile is like an elixir that can cure almost anything to me...I really love her so much...
hmm...I think I should stop blogging now and play with Alyssa...and I will try my best so that I could blog more and regularly from this day onwards...
if my life were compared to a video game, I would say it's probably like the Demon's Soul on PlayStation 3...no, no Alyssa is not a demon alrite...she is just too cute to be something of that evil...haha...Demon's Soul is particularly noted for its high difficulty level...it's just plain difficult...I used to not like children...then again, I think I have come to a point where being a father is actually a wonderful thing...
now every time I feel so frustrated with my pupils; or I just got into an argument; or something happen to my car; or I could not beat the boss in a video game after trying over and over again; or whenever McLaren got beaten by Ferrari, (and the list goes on), when I get back home and see Alyssa smiling at me...I feel like the world around me appears to be just fine...I don't know how to describe it precisely...somehow her smile is like an elixir that can cure almost anything to me...I really love her so much...
hmm...I think I should stop blogging now and play with Alyssa...and I will try my best so that I could blog more and regularly from this day onwards...
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